"Transformation is an ongoing process that tends to appear ordinary, when, in fact, something extraordinary is taking palace” Suzy Ross
Social changes-friendships unexpectedly end
The pain of some memories still feels raw
Financial Scariness-will you be able to make enough money to survive
Fear of starting a new romantic relationship-will you miss the red flags again?
Concern about how it's affecting your children
Wanting better for yourself and your kids, but not sure how to get there
Relationship stress can create chronic symptoms, chronic illness, and auto-immune issues.
Spaces are limited to only 10 women.
You do not need to stay stuck in the pain of your past.
You do not need to carry the events of your marriage and past into your future.
You don't need to run for a tissue when old memories come up.
You can decode chronic health issues that are tied to the stress and emotions of the divorce.
You can be a model and support to your children.
You don't need to be terrified at the thought of dating again.
You can stop letting old wounds hurt new relationships.
The Vibrant Way uses German New Medicine (GNM), a unique, natural approach to healing.
GNM shows you how your body responds to unresolved emotional conflicts, such as those from your divorce. It’s based on the idea that your mind and body are deeply connected—when emotional pain lingers, it can show up as physical issues, even serious diagnosis.
With GNM, we work to uncover the root causes of your struggles and make perspective and nervous system shifts that get your body healing. When these emotional conflicts are resolved, your body’s natural ability to heal itself is activated, leading to both emotional and physical relief.
Newly Divorced Women
Women Divorced for Decades
Women Who Are Remarried
Women Who Want to Remarry